Gargoyle Magazine Paycock Press

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

When was Gargoyle started?   We started publication in 1976.  

Who publishes Gargoyle?   Gargoyle is published annually in the USA by Paycock Press. 

How can I contact Gargoyle?

Contact us:

  Richard Peabody 


  3819 13th Street North

  Arlington, VA 22201

  Phone: (703) 380-4893


How and when can I submit material to be considered for publication in Gargoyle?  We have to take a year off. We will not read any submission until 2022. Not sure if it will be in June or earlier. We have had endless delays and still have the next two issues complete and in the can for release later in 2021.

What are your guidelines?  Gargoyle has never had guidelines during its entire history. We don't believe in them. If you don't find your answer here on the FAQ page, feel free to e-mail us any questions you might have. We can say that we prefer emailed submissions that use our submission portal that will magically appear on our site at midnight June 30th.

What types of work do you publish? Work we can live with. Work we can read 20 times and still get a kick out of. We've never had a theme issue and doubt we ever will. Obviously, we want the best poem or story you will ever write. We're not fans of the same old-same old and tend to publish works that are bent, twisted, edgy, and/or funny.

How much does Gargoyle pay authors?

  Contributors are paid with one copy of the issue in which their work appears (we offer contributors additional copies at 1/2 cover price and pay postage). Gargoyle reserves Electronic Archival Rights and the right to reprint material in a "best of" anthology. All other rights revert to individual contributors upon publication. Gargoyle appears in the American Humanities Index and the Index of American Periodical Verse and is also available from University Microfilms.

How much does Gargoyle cost?

  Price per single issue varies. Subscriptions are $30/2 issues to individuals, $40/2-yr. for institutions. Sample copies are $10 each plus 2.95 shipping. Checks should be made out to Richard Peabody.

Where can I buy Gargoyle?

  Gargoyle is distributed by:

Who are your favorite writers? 

  We like Walter Abish, Ingeborg Bachmann, James Baldwin, J.G. Ballard, Djuna Barnes, Jane Bowles, Paul Bowles, T.C. Boyle, David Bradley, Mei-Mei Berssenbrugge, Wesley Brown, Octavia Butler, Truman Capote, Leonora Carrington, Sandra Cisneros, Lucille Clifton, Leonard Cohen, Wanda Coleman, Guy Davenport, Lydia Davis, Malcolm DeChazel, Marguerite Duras, Max Ernst, Jessica Hagedorn, Joy Harjo, A.M. Homes, Shirley Jackson, Charles Johnson, Bill Knott, Harper Lee, Clarice Lispector, Liz Lochhead, Mina Loy, Curzio Malaparte, Joyce Mansour, Carson McCullers, David Mitchell, Erin Moure, Harryette Mullen, Les Murray, Robert Musil, Flann O'Brien, Flannery O'Connor, Dorothy Parker, Walker Percy, Dawn Powell, Richard Powers, Reynolds Price, Lola Ridge, Stevie Smith, George Steiner, Frank Stanford, Steve Stern, Italo Svevo, Rosemary Tonks, Jeanette Winterson. There are many others.

Why do you do Gargoyle?

  I like discovering new poets and writers and rediscovering forgotten poets and writers. Plus, I get a lot of pleasure out of creating an object. I love books--the ink on the pages, the shape and feel of them. I have worked in bookshops, or actually co-owned and operated one, for 15 years. I both collect books and lit mags, love to read and write, and actually believe that literature is one of the most important endeavors any human can undertake. Silly me.

Gargoyle Magazine Paycock Press